Discipline is the result of modeling

 I have always believed in the powerful impact martial arts can have on individuals, especially young children. It’s not just about learning to punch or kick; it’s about cultivating respect, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle. Recently, we uniquely celebrated these values—through a karate-themed birthday party. However, the event sparked an unexpected reaction that has led me to reflect deeply on our community’s values.

The party was in full swing, teaching the kids some basic moves, and I was introducing them to the concept of Discipline. During the class, I talked to the kids about the importance of speaking respectfully and having good discipline. These are cornerstone values we teach at Prestige Martial Arts, lessons that extend far beyond the dojo into every aspect of our lives. For instance, I mentioned how spending too much time on video games could be detrimental. Surprisingly, the children met this statement with a chorus of “No!”. When I mentioned that they were acting rude and disrespectful, some parents expressed discontent with my remarks.

This reaction left me puzzled and prompted me to ponder. Why would the idea of encouraging respect and discipline elicit such a response? In my years of teaching, I’ve learned that martial arts is about more than physical strength; it’s about developing a strong character. It teaches us to face challenges with grace, to respect people, and to understand the value of hard work and persistence. These lessons are crucial, not just for karate students but for anyone navigating the complexities of life.

It’s disheartening to think that the message of living a balanced life and showing respect to others could be seen as controversial. As parents and educators, we guide our children towards becoming well-rounded, respectful individuals. This includes having conversations about how we spend our time and treat those around us, even if those discussions might be met with initial resistance.

I understand that every family has its values and beliefs about raising children, and it’s not my place to dictate how anyone should live their life. However, as someone deeply invested in the well-being and development of our community’s youth, I cannot help but advocate for the principles that martial arts teaches. The discipline learned on the mat—respect for others, perseverance, and self-control—are invaluable tools for life.

In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the parents who support their children in learning martial arts and those who want more for their children. It’s a privilege to be a part of your children’s journey to becoming respectful, disciplined individuals. 

Let’s continue to engage in open, thoughtful conversations about the values we wish to instill in our children. After all, it takes a village to raise a child, and at Prestige Martial Arts, we’re proud to be part of that village.

Let’s work together to nurture a generation that values respect, discipline, and kindness above all. 

Thank you for being an essential part of our martial arts family.